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OFA/SV X-rays

For pet owners interested in having their dogs evaluated for hereditary orthopedic diseases we offer either the OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) for all breeds or SV (Verein für deutsche Schäferhunde) for the German Shepherd Dog. X-rays of the hips, elbows, and spine are performed and sent to the respective organization for evaluation and rating.

Fewer than 65 veterinary practices within the US are approved for digital submission direct to the SV; Lansdowne Animal Hospital is currently the only approved hospital in the state of Virginia. On our team, Elaine has been working with the German Shepherd Dog for over 20 years. She has been submitting X-rays to the SV since 2015.

Patients are carefully and safely placed under sedation for the entire procedure, ensuring their comfort as well as the accuracy of imaging. Our experienced staff know exactly how to capture quality radiographs that meet the stringent requirements for OFA and SV rating.

For OFA, the X-ray images gathered are submitted and, upon review and approval, the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals will assign a number. Preliminary OFA evaluations can be performed as early as four months of age, but official certificates are not issued until the dog reaches at least 24 months. SV ratings are assigned by the SV breed club in Germany and are issued after the age of 12 months.

If you have questions about OFA or SV X-rays, contact Elaine at Lansdowne Animal Hospital. We’d be happy to discuss the process and your options as well as answer any questions or concerns you may have. Give us a call today!

Lansdowne Animal Hospital

19393 Promenade Drive
Leesburg, VA 20176
t: 571-333-2247
f: 571-333-2249


Mon – Fri 8:00AM to 6:00PM

Lansdowne Animal Hospital

Mon – Fri 8:00AM to 6:00PM

Also serving Ashburn, VA