Your retriever mix Biscuit is a longtime food lover. This ravenous four-year-old dog scarfs down his kibbles before swiping the cat’s food and trolling the kitchen floor. In fact, he earned his name from the buttermilk biscuit he grabbed as a small puppy. Lately, though, your confirmed chowhound has been toying with his bowl without consuming much of its contents. You’re afraid he’s not receiving proper nutrition; and you’re concerned about a hidden medical condition. Tomorrow, your Leesburg veterinarian will examine your petulant pooch and provide him with nutritional and behavioral counseling.
You’ve always provided your lucky canine housemate with the best dog food available. Since your schedule has gotten quite hectic, though, the current bag’s expiration date might have passed without you realizing it. Even worse, the kibbles might have spoiled. Your persnickety dog clearly doesn’t intend to consume those substandard contents.
Biscuit has always been a canine culinary opportunist. That means he seizes every chance to fill his belly. He’s a professional treat hound, fixing his victims with pitiful eyes while he pleads for just one bite. During your family’s mealtimes, your relentless dog circles the table, looking for sneaked handouts and accidental fallout. While he’s thrilled at the windfall, this massive number of extra calories has led to undesirable weight gain. It also means he’s not hungry for his own food.
Maybe your pooch suffers from a hidden dental problem that makes it too painful to eat. You might actually see damaged teeth, facial or mouth sores, or foreign objects. Don’t try to open your dog’s mouth, as he won’t cooperate and might become rather annoyed.
Take your under-the-weather dog to the vet, who can safely examine him and provide a diagnosis and treatment. Once the dental problem is resolved, your canine companion will likely attack his bowl with gusto.
Maybe Biscuit just needs a menu pick-me-up. By sprinkling warm water over his kibbles, they’ll acquire a more appealing smell and taste. If your Leesburg veterinarian approves, stir in some warmed canned food. Make sure your dog doesn’t burn his sensitive mouth.
Once Biscuit looks more favorably on his food, let him dine without disruptions. Heap on the praise afterward. If your dog doesn’t seem interested in his meals, contact us for expert assistance.
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