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Spoil Your Dog Day

August 2, 2022
August 10th is a very special day for Man’s Best Friend. It’s Spoil Your Dog Day! Of course, if it were up to our canine companions, every day would be Spoil Your Dog Day. While Fido would be delighted to celebrate this ‘pawspicious’ occasion with bacon, belly rubs, and more bacon, we have a few other suggestions. An Ashburn, VA vet lists some of them below.


It’s always adorable seeing Fido get excited over a new plaything. Toys are great for your pooch both mentally and physically: they entertain your canine pal, help keep him active, and keep him occupied and (theoretically) out of trouble. Plus, you get to enjoy watching your pet get super excited over his new favorite thing!


Many dogs actually enjoy learning! Training is crucial not just for petiquette, but also for safety reasons. Fido should start his petucation by learning the basics, such as Sit, Stay, and Lay Down. After that, you can move on to more complicated commands, or show him some fun tricks.

New Bed

One of the best things that you can do for your canine buddy is make sure that he has a comfortable bed to doze off and dream about bacon in. It doesn’t matter if Fido already has a bed: it’s always good to have choices.


Just like people, dogs can—and do—get bored with the same-old same-old. Take your furry buddy somewhere new, so he can sniff strange plants and grasses. There are plenty of beautiful parks and trails you can visit on a one-tank trip!


Fido is very loyal and loving, and he adores his humans. However, it’s also good for him to spend time with other pups. Have a puppy playdate, or meet some friends at the dog park.


Does your four-legged friend like swimming? Take him to a swimming hole. Or, if you want to stay close to home, pick up a kiddie pool for your pup to splash around in. This can make for some really cute pictures. Just keep a close eye on Fido when he’s near water.


No surprises here: A special snack will definitely get that cute tail going! Stick with safe options, such as plain, cooked, boneless chicken or a store-bought goodie. As your Ashburn, VA animal clinic, we’re dedicated to offering top-notch veterinary care. Feel free to contact us anytime!