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And Meow, A Word About Cat Toys

Does your kitty sometimes ignore the expensive new toy you just got her, and bat a bottlecap around the kitchen instead? Fluffy definitely has very interesting taste when it comes to playthings. While choosing your cat’s toys isn’t exactly rocket…

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Dog with black fur lying down on the floor

Heartworms 101

Did you know that heartworms are one of the deadliest parasites your beloved pet is susceptible to? Heartworm infestations aren’t visible to the naked eye, and they’re completely asymptomatic at first. However, as the infestation progresses, the worms will begin…

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Gardening With Fluffy

Our feline buddies are very curious about things. They’re also quite nosy, and love to watch their humans doing, well, everything. Those of you who enjoy gardening may find yourselves with a small, furry supervisor. A local Leesburg, VA vet…

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Keeping Your Dog Active

April is Active Dog Month. It’s very important for Fido to get regular physical activity. This will help keep his muscles fit and strong, and will generally just help keep him healthy and happy. However, doggy workouts are definitely not…

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Purrfect Reasons To Adopt A Rescue Cat

March is Adopt A Rescued Cat Month! Of course, there’s no bad time to bring an adorable new kitty into your life. If you are considering getting a pet, a rescued kitty may be a purrfect option! A local Ashburn,…

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It’s Fix By Five Month!

There’s an important pet awareness event happening this month. February is Fix By Five Month. This is an awareness campaign dedicated to fighting animal overpopulation, specifically by encouraging pet owners to get their feline friends fixed before they reach five…

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Fluffy’s 2023 Goals

Happy New Year! Are you setting big goals for yourself for 2023? Some of our feline friends definitely are. Cats may be small, but they are definitely not short on ambition. A local Ashburn, VA vet lists some of Fluffy’s…

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Holidays With Senior Pets

Is your furry friend in their golden years? If so, you’ll want to pay some extra attention to them over the next few weeks. The holidays can be fun for pets, but they can also be stressful. There are also…

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Common Dog Care Mistakes

Did you know that dogs are the most popular pet in the U.S. We’ve been friends with Fido for a very long time, perhaps as much as 30,000 years. However, while we’ve gotten to know our furry best friend pretty…

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Things To Do For Pet Wellness Month

October is Pet Wellness Month! This is one topic that is definitely in our wheelhouse. There are many different facets to a good pet care regimen. A Leesburg, VA vet lists a few things to put on your to-do list…

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Lansdowne Animal Hospital

Mon – Fri 8:00AM to 6:00PM

Also serving Ashburn, VA