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6 Ways To Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Healthy

Worms are a common occurrence in dogs, especially if they walk outside and come into contact with other animals or the environment. It is important to regularly check pets with a veterinarian and carry out deworming in accordance with the…

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Helping A Senior Cat Settle In

November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month! If you’re looking for a new feline buddy, please don’t overlook that sleepy older cat no one wants. Kitties in their golden years often make absolutely wonderful pets, but they have a really…

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Doggy Spotlight: Poodles

Tomorrow, October 2nd, is Poodle Day? The poodle is definitely one of the most recognizable and iconic breeds. A Leesburg, VA vet discusses this fun-loving pooch below. History There’s actually a bit of mystery surrounding Fido’s exact origins. We know…

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Celebrating National Wildlife Day

September 4th is National Wildlife Day! While we are usually more focused on pets than wildlife, we think that all animals deserve to be able to live their best lives. There are many ways for pet owners to help protect…

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Summer Care For Puppies

Have you recently adopted a young dog? Puppies may be small, but they certainly do bring a lot of love and light into our lives. That first year is critical, as so much of Fido’s physical, mental, and emotional growth…

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Cooking Out With Fido

Summer is in full swing now, and the Fourth is just around the corner. Barbeques are on the agenda for lots of folks over the next few days. Your canine buddy will be more than happy to help, both by…

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Fluffy's First Summer

Have you recently adopted a kitten? If so, this is going to be a pretty important year for little Fluffy. It’s her first summer! You’re certainly in for some adorable moments. However, you’ll need to take precautions, as your little…

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Hot Weather Dog Care Hacks

Does your canine pal hate the heat? While many pooches love to run and play outdoors, they sometimes struggle when it gets really hot. After all, Fido is wearing a fur coat! Read on as a local Ashburn, VA vet…

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Spring With Fido

Spring is off icially upon us! Many of our canine patients are more than happy to run and play outdoors as it warms up. There are few things more adorable than a dog happily bounding around a lawn or field….

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Choosing Your Pet's Dishes

Dishes are one of the first things you’ll need to buy for your furry friend. And while this isn’t particularly difficult, there are some things for you to keep in mind when shopping. Here, a Leesburg, VA vet discusses choosing…

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Lansdowne Animal Hospital

Mon – Fri 8:00AM to 6:00PM

Also serving Ashburn, VA