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Barbeque Hazards for Dogs

Summer is just around the corner! Many people will soon be firing up their grills. Our four-legged buddies tend to pay very close attention to barbeques. Fido loves grilled food just as much as we do! Just be sure to…

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Teaching Fluffy Proper Scratching Habits

Our wonderful feline friends have some very cute habits. Fluffy may sleep in your lap, follow you around, or meow when she wants to be petted or picked up. However, not all of Fluffy’s mannerisms are that endearing. One in…

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Fear Free…What Is That?

FEAR FREE….What Does That Mean, You Ask? At Lansdowne Animal Hospital, we pride ourselves in doing our best to offer as stress free a visit as possible for both you and your beloved pet! Their peace of mind and health…

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Homemade Doggy Treats

Did you know that February 23rd is National Dog Biscuit Day? Fido probably won’t care much about the date: to him, every day should be Dog Biscuit Day! As long as you don’t go overboard, treats are actually very beneficial…

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6 Ways to Keep Your Cat Healthy

Did you know that February is National Cat Health Month? This is one cause we can really support! One great thing about cats is that they are quite easy to take care of. However, keeping Fluffy healthy requires a lot…

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Holiday Gifts for Puppies

As the holidays approach, many of us are busy buying and wrapping gifts for our loved ones. Of course, our canine friends are also on many shopping lists. Over the course of the next month or so, there will be…

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Benefits of Adopting a Senior Pet

November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month! There are far too many older dogs and cats in shelters, desperately hoping someone will adopt them and give them a forever home. Senior pets often have a very hard time getting adopted,…

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Things We Can Learn From Cats

Have you ever noticed your cat looking at you with a smug, all-knowing expression on her furry face? Kitties certainly seem to have a unique outlook on life. As far as Fluffy is concerned, naps and sunbathing are top priorities!…

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Responsible Dog Ownership Month

Did you know that September is Responsible Dog Ownership Month? While we of course strongly believe that pet owners should be responsible at all times, this is a great time to go over some of the key aspects of good…

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Lansdowne Animal Hospital

Mon – Fri 8:00AM to 6:00PM

Also serving Ashburn, VA